There are two styles to choose from,

What's the difference between the 2 styles of Cosmic Connections offered?

Although both Bespoke Cosmic Connections styles involve Anna's in depth contemplation beforehand, an EMAIL PACKAGE RECORDNG is more specifically planned out/prepared by Anna whereas an IN PERSON SESSION unfolds organically as the session transpires. 

Both are options are equally potent but with different delivery styles. It is recommended that you tune into which delivery style feels intuitively best for you for each Cosmic Connection. Your choice will also need to take into account be able to meet with Anna in person.

Email Package Recording

In Person Session


An Email Package Recording by Anna will contain a combination of some or all of the following:

- A Cosmic calling forth to your desired CC
- Meditative attunements/alignments with your chosen CC

- Information which aligns you with your CC

- Tools, tips or practices for you to support your alignment

- Whatever intuitively arrives to support your CC


An In Person Session with Anna is a profound experiential session which is generally delivered in a deeply meditative zone with verbal guidance from Anna. This is very much a "now" moment experience.

After a brief discussion, Anna will lead you into a deeply meditative space and the experience will unfold from there.  

Anna will have spent time contemplating and tuning into what your IN PERSON SESSION request will potentially involve before meeting with you however, in the Great Mystery of this there is huge scope and unknown quantities which may occur within an "In person session." Exciting!!

Cost & Format


$333 per Cosmic Connection Email Package Recording
Cosmic Connections Recording is approximately 20 - 25 minutes long

Please note that Anna will have spent  much time contemplating and tuning into what your package involves before recording it for you, over several days, and she cannot rush this process which is why it can take 1 - 6 weeks for you to receive your CC Recorded Package. Please let her know if it is urgent and she will endeavor to get your CC Package to you asap. 

If any notes are required after your session you will receive them with your Cosmic Connection Recorded Package by email.

Cost & Format


$333 IN PERSON SESSION Cosmic Connection with Anna (or via zoom or skype)
1hr session

If a brief recorded message are required after your session, you will receive it shortly after completing your appointment. 

How to book an Email Package Recording option

1.  Contact Anna regarding exactly who or what you want to connect deeply with. Please be detailed and also include your reasons for wanting to make this Cosmic Connection 

2. If she feels in alignment with your Cosmic Connection (CC) request then she will agree to create a Cosmic Connection Recorded Package for you

3. Now make payment to confirm your order

4. You will receive your CC Recorded Package in 1 - 4 weeks by email

How to book an In Person Session

1. Contact Anna regarding exactly who or what you want to connect deeply with. Please be detailed and also include your reasons for wanting to make this Cosmic Connection 

2. If she feels in alignment with your Cosmic Connection (CC) request then she will contact you to book an In Person Session for you

3. Now make payment to confirm your appointment

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