Bathe in heavenly energies.
Be filled with colour and light.
Receive loving energy.
Enjoy divine nourishment.

Session options

30 mins $180
60 mins $300

Includes a recorded message from Anna after your healing. This message is Anna reading the notes she makes during your session. The notes are usually very "stream of consciousness"  and generally describe the energies flowing through you during the session.

Before, during, after your healing...

5-10 minutes before your healing starts, switch off phone etc, ensure you won't be disturbed, sit or lie down in a warm comfortable place...and simply be open to receive Divine Radiance. No pressure....relax...let your thoughts wonder, doze, visualise good vibes, fall asleep...whatever works for you. The energy will be flowing through you no matter what. Enjoy.
Stay put during your session and for as long as you feel once it has finished.

Alternatively, Anna will send your session through whilst you are either asleep or going about your day. 

Divine Radiance Healings are  offered occasionally in person but mostly long distance.

With all energy offerings, you choose how to receive and use it.


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