Peaceful Heart, Peaceful Soul

Meditation with Intro and actual meditation audio

Love & Compassion

Practice: For Self and Others

Top up your energy

Light of my Being
Light of God
Fill my Cup

Clear your Energy each day

Cleansed and Cleared with the Love of God

Cleansed and Cleared in Love and Light

Soul Connection


Divine Essence Connection


Healing Meditation

Self, Love me Meditation

CLFE Health Rays

Alchemy. About each Ray and audio of Ray

CLFE Other Rays

Mini Programme or course ideas

7 Day Creation CREATION
3 Days of Divine LOVE influx
3 Days of showing up to receive Love
3 Day Float in the Great Cosmic Ocean
3 Days in Divine Mother's Arms
3 Days of Divine Blessings & Light Infusions
6 Days of  Divine Healing
7 Days of Intense Light Infusion Sessions
22 Day Ascension/Embody Light
7 Days in Communion with God
3 Days with Yeshua
3 Days of Holy Spirit Saturation
3 Days in Christ Consciousness Arising


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