You don't have to be perfect to let your soul shine...
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should... Max Ehrmann
Embodying Divine flow in your daily life takes application but it's easier than you may think. Your choice, your flow...
I look forward to helping you unfold into your unique version of an elevated free flowing life
Life Focus sessions are a combination of any of the following: an exploration into Light via clear conversation, reflective insights, trouble shooting, sound boarding, spontaneous sparking, creative brain storming, training for positive mindset/positive life experiences, divine alignment, intuitive guidance/information, energy tools & practical application tips. Spiritual/energy training or mentoring. Ongoing Blueprint evolution work
30 mins: $120
45 mins: $180
1 hr: $240
For extended time: add $60 each 15 min
1:1 Sessions are usually by phone, WhatsApp or FaceTime.
Alternatively send written or voice message questions and I will tune end and send a recorded message back.