Heart Bottle… Boosts focus on heart Love via self-Love, wellbeing, healing and fearlessness. Inspires opening up to give and receive unconditional Love and releasing unhealthy attachments. Supports and nurtures the Inner Child with a special focus on developing the power to be true to our inner truth and sovereignty. Helps conscious heartfelt connections with all life and to dispel all judgement of self and others. Works towards balancing the sacred marriage of masculine and feminine energies deep within us. Encourages natural breathing and uptake of Light and life force energies. Designed to comfort and ease grief especially deep seated grief. Essential oils of: pine, cedar wood, sandalwood, patchouli, cypress, neroli Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
AA Michael… Clearing, Protection, Clarity. Assists requests for inner and outer Truth to be revealed. Brings calm to chaos. Links our consciousness with Archangel Michael. Essential oils of: cypress, pine, juniper berry, fennel, patchouli & vanilla Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Host of Angels… ushers in Divine Angelic energies, bathes us in the Angelic realms, activates our conscious connection to angelic support and upliftment. Great to use with healing and prayers for self and others. Essential oils of: vetiver, lavender, cedar wood, sandalwood & vanilla Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
AA Chamuel… brings pure Love frequencies, aids God and Oneness realisations and experiences, opens our eyes and souls to understand and feel Universal Love. Creates a powerful link with Archangel Chamuel. Essential oils of geranium, lavender, orange, vetiver & sage Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Unicorns… awakens us to the joys of 7th Dimensional innocence, magic and purity. Aids Alignment between Heaven and Earth and all the elements. Connects us with moon and planetary cycles for natural progression into healthy lifestyles. Activates spiritual gifts and our abilities to use them for the highest good of all. Opens a powerful link with the beloved Unicorns and their realm. Essential oils of: patchouli, rose, neroli & sage Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Dolphins... brings keys to open and inundate us with celestial Love and divine flow. Helps prepare our mental and emotional bodies for clearing. Creates clearing and healing potential especially for recurring patterns of limitation, fear, genetic or past life issues. Heralds confidence and new beginnings for those who want a fresh outlook on life. Aligns us with inner mastery through pure joy and lightness of Being. Connects us with energies of Sirius. Dolphins are the Angels of the oceans! Essential oils of jasmine , ylang ylang ,ravensara, lemon & myrrh Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
AA Raphael… pure clear healing frequencies from Archangel Raphael for potential healing on any level and overall balance, inner peace and wellbeing. Links our body, mind and spirit with divine angelic frequencies to uplift our Soul and supports integration of these frequencies especially through our etheric body and into the physical cells. Works on a cellular, personal and global level. Helps ease the mind into lighter spaces and very helpful when recovering from painful experiences or trauma on physical and emotional levels. Essential oils of lemon myrtle, cedarwood, oregano, frankincense & orange Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Mother Mary… an exquisite and deeply nurturing reunion with unconditional Love vibrations. Mother Mary’s loving energy brings unreserved compassion, understanding and acceptance which is healing when we take time to draw it into our hearts. This spray is for those who seek to open and connect with pure mother Love and for those who want to feel “seen” and fully understood by Divine Mother energy. Mother Mary supports those who miss mother love on any level. Wonderful for adults and children alike. Essential oils of: frankincense, ylang ylang, cypress, orange & sandalwood Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays. Safe to use in pregnancy but recommended only after first trimester.
Chakras… is designed to help clear, purify, heal, balance, align and energise all chakras including subsidiary chakras and earth chakras. Promotes healthy physical-emotional-mental states. Grounds and at the same time opens the Crown Chakra to the Cosmos. Reinforces “as above so below”. Strengthens the whole Being through balance. Essential oils of: cedar wood, cypress, roman chamomile, frankincense, lavender, rose, sandalwood & grapefruit Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays..
Aqua Aura… smooths and harmonises the Auric field promoting a sense of calm. Opens healthy connections between the different bodies of the aura. Helps alleviate anxiety and encourages healthy sleep patterns. Works on the Etheric Body to enhance the uptake and integration of Universal information. Essential oils of: vetiver, vanilla, lavender & clary sage plus Aqua Aura Crystal Elixir and Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Peace Baby Mama... bright and uplifting for pregnant Goddess Baby Mamas and Inner Child work. Created to take you into deep connection and communion with your child and to build loving bonds between Hearts and Souls. Wonderful to use at all times but especially in those quiet moments when you simply want to “be” in tune with your babe. Peace Baby Mama carries intentions of Dolphin waves to help you flow and transform naturally and smoothly during your pregnancy, and to help balance thoughts and emotions. Peace Baby Mama is also lovely to use with older children too for loving links, creativity and peaceful energy. Essential oils of chamomile, neroli, geranium, fir needle & patchouli Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Clear and Bright… super cleansing and refreshing. Good for sharpening mind focus and concentration. Use for study, work, driving, clearing the thoughts etc. Enlivening and positive. Helps creative thought. Essential oils of: peppermint, pine, cedar wood & lavender Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays.
Please note that all information about the potential effects from using Divine Aura Sprays is based on energy and there is no documented research involved. When you purchase a Divine Aura Spray you are acknowledging this. Thanks, Anna
Divine Aura Sprays come in 50ml bottles and contain food grade alcohol & colour, filtered rain water, jojoba oil, essential oils, Cosmic Life Force Energy Alchemy Rays and sacred intentions. Because they are handmade their appearance and sometimes even fragrance will vary. This makes them even more alive and in flow with the moment.
Keep your eyes closed while spraying your aura or cover them with your hand, it is unlikely but essential oils may cause irritation. For external use only. Do not use if pregnant or allergic to ingredients. Please note Mother Mary & Baby Mama can be used during pregnancy but essential oils are generally not recommended for first trimester.