Anna uses her inner vision to look into you and scan all applicable levels of your Being including body, mind, emotions and energy. She will then send you a recorded message of what was revealed to her. Clients opt for this service for general or specific check-ins or as a first port of call before selecting which healing option or service they want to proceed with.
Session Length: 45 mins
Cost: $180 - with recorded message post session
Please note that by paying for and receiving this service from Anna, you understand and agree that: Anna is not a medical professional, the Scans she offers are not a medical diagnosis, that all information she relays to you is in her opinion only and that you will always seek professional help as needed. It is also important to know that during your Scan, your Being will reveal only what is chooses, Anna however will do her utmost to assist your requests and help as succinctly as she can.
Contact Anna to book your Scan